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Christine Parkin

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Friday, March 18, 2022 in remembrance. Senior Instructor Emerita Christine Parkin passed away on February 23. Ms. Parkin taught in the department of English Literature.

Alan Bree

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Friday, March 18, 2022 in remembrance. Professor Emeritus Alan Bree passed away on February 11. Dr. Bree taught in the Department of Chemistry .

Johannes Giede

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Friday, March 18, 2022 in remembrance. Dr. Johannes Giede passed away on December 17, 2021. Dr. Giede was currently working and teaching in the Department of Psychiatry.  

Shashi Assanand

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Friday, March 18, 2022 in remembrance. Dr. Shashi Assanand, O.B.C. passed away on September 29, 2021. Dr. Assanand received an honourary degree from UBC in 2021.

Bruce White

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Thursday, March 10, 2022 in remembrance. Professor Emeritus Bruce White passed away on February 3. Dr. White taught in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Donald Stark

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Thursday, March 10, 2022 in remembrance. Clinical Associate Professor Donald Stark passed away on January 31. Dr. Stark was currently teaching in the Department of Medicine.

Luis Oliveira

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Thursday, March 10, 2022 in remembrance. Associate Professor Emeritus Luis Oliveira passed away on January 24. Dr. Oliveira taught in the Department of Botany for over 25 years and was inducted into the Quarter Century Club in 2003.

Dennis Guest

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (at the North Plaza of the Life Building) will be lowered Thursday, March 10, 2022 in remembrance. Associate Professor Emeritus Dennis Guest passed away on January 10. Dr. Guest taught in the Department of Social Work.