Flag Notifications

About the Lowering of the Flag

The University of British Columbia has four main flags in two locations on campus:

  1. Canada flag on Flag Pole Plaza at the intersection of Main Mall and Crescent Road
  2. BC, Musqueam and UBC flags temporarily relocated to the East Mall Entrance and Plaza at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

UBC Ceremonies and Events arranges for the lowering of the BC, Musqueam and UBC flags at the passing of a member of the campus community. When this occurs, the information is sent via email to over 50 individuals on campus for distribution campus-wide, and it is also posted on this web page. The UBC flag is replaced occasionally by other flags being flown for special occasions; such as the Rainbow flag being flown during UBC Pride Week, the United Way flag being flown during the UBC United Way campaign, etc.

For inquiries regarding flag lowering, please email us at ceremonies.protocol@ubc.ca.

Current Flag Notifications

The BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (temporarily relocated to the East Mall Entrance and Plaza at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) will be lowered on Thursday, July 11, 2024 in remembrance.

Associate Professor Emeritus David Alexander Bain passed away June 20, 2024. Dr. Bain served in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, Faculty of Education.