The 25 Year Club honours staff members with 25 or more years of service at UBC.
Find more photos on Flickr.
See the print program pdf.
New members for 2014 are listed by department below the group photo.
Animal Care Services
- Aden Carpenter
- Paul Lakowski
Applied Science, Dean’s Office
- Deb Feduik
Architecture & Landscape Architecture
- Patricia Poehnell
Asian Studies
- Lonnie Chase
- Shirley Wong
Athletics and Recreation
- Jeff Harley
- Miguel Echevarria
- Michelle Lew
- Anthony Manning
- Andrea Miskiw
Building Operations
- Gray Bradwell
- Michael Danchuk
- Michael Frizell
- Gurpreet Gill
- Manjit Kandola
- Ruzena Kubicek
- Raj Kumar
- Robert MacDonald
- Maria Marto
- John Sacre
- Anthony Tabbernor
- Maria Zendaida Nobel Villanueva
- Gary Wolfram
Campus & Community Planning
- Edmond Lin
Campus Security
- Thomas Carroll
- Darren Woodley
Cardiology Division
- Eunice Yeoh
Cellular & Physiological Sciences
- Wayne Yu
Ceremonies & Events
- Eilis Courtney
Child & Family Research Institute
- Angel Lam
Civil Engineering
- John Wong
Computer Science
- Giuliana Villegas
Computing Information & Cognitive Systems
- Bernice Koh
Continuing Studies
- Sandra Filippelli
- Jane Graham-Smith
- Zbigniew Mirski
- Ingrid Perlstrom
- Joanne Savory
- Gwen Semenoff
Creative Writing Program
- Christine Tu
Curriculum & Pedagogy
- Robert Hapke
- Adrian Carney
- Samita Guha
- Peter Hinz
Development & Alumni Engagement
- Eileen McIntosh
- Leanne Poon
Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
- John Amor
- Teresa Woodley
Educational Studies
- Roweena Bacchus
Endocrinology & Metabolism Division
- Aleta Allen
Enrolment Services
- Vicki Jung
- Nancy Low
- Susan Mah
Forest Resources Management
- Maria Relova
- Richard Ketler
Geriatric Medicine Division
- Christine Lockhart
- Gale Tedder
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
- Phyllis Wong
- Jocelyn Smith
Human Resources
- Maura Da Cruz
- Nicole Hyatt
- Betty Jay
Information Technology
- Gordon Chan
- Lyla Crighton
- Vicky Earle
- Dan Williamson
- Sue Wood
Infrastructure Development
- Suzanne Poohkay
- Fran Harrison
- Joanne Chung
- Katherine Hill
- Zofia Szuberla
Life Sciences Institute
- Adam Suen
- Roseann Kinsey
- Joseph Tam
Mechanical Engineering
- Janice Marsden
Medical Animal Facility
- Julian Kaye
Medical Genetics
- Irene Yee
Michael Smith Labs
- Aleksandra Kielb
- Victor Luk
Microbiology & Immunology
- Manjeet Bains
- David Simpson
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- Helen Dyck
Payment & Procurement Services
- Leslie Chan
- Lisa Lee
Physics & Astronomy
- Oliva Dela Cruz-Cordero
- Douglas Wong
Population & Public Health
- Karen Cardiff
- Colleen Tinline
Sauder School of Business
- Janet Gannon
- Pamela Lim
Science, Dean’s Office
- Linda (Gale) Arndt
Social Work
- Ivy Chan
St. John’s College
- Sandra Shepard (2010)
Staff Finders
- Patricia Jeffs
Student Financial Services
- Maria Mannella
Student Housing & Hospitality Services
- Graham Bell
- Juliana Campbell
- Decky Chan
- Linda Chu
- Jey Horning
- Paul Lai
- Connie Louie
- Kathy Lum
- Ines Maniscalco
- Anthony Ng
- Amarjeet Sidhu
- Shirley Tran
- Robert Wharton
- Ellen Wu
Student Services
- Brigitte Priebe
- Balvinder Sahota
UBC IT/ Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Christopher Weiz
Vaccine Evaluation Centre
- Arlene Kallos
VP Academic & Provost
- Sheri Wenman