UBC Staff and Faculty BBQ – FAQs

About the Event

Who can attend this event?

This event is for UBC employees with “staff” or “faculty” appointments (not student appointments).  For staff, this does not include student, work-study and co-op positions. Eligible faculty are primarily employed and paid by UBC, and does not include unpaid, honorary, adjunct, and clinical appointments. Please contact your HR Advisor or Associate if you have questions about employee eligibility. Please note we are not collecting employee ID numbers but will ask for clarification if there are questions on employment eligibility.

Who organizes this event?

This event is held annually and is hosted by the Offices of the President and Vice-President, Human Resources. The event is produced by Ceremonies & Events and is made possible with the support of our campus partners, UBC Food Services, UBC Facilities, Campus + Community Planning, Security Services, Parking & Access Control and Campus Mail.

Is this event held at the Okanagan campus?

Yes, UBC Okanagan also hosts a Welcome Back BBQ event for staff and faculty in the early Fall. Please contact Ceremonies and Protocol for more information.

Who can participate in the Community Partner Tables?

Campus providers can participate in the Community Partner tables, space permitting. Due to the limited amount of outdoor space available (in relation to the food service and seating area), there is enough space for a maximum of 44 tables.

The event organizers, are committed to providing staff and faculty with a fulfilling experience at the BBQ. The Community Partner tables are an integral part of providing value at the event and engaging staff. To ensure the Community Partner tables are a worthwhile part of the BBQ experience, we are looking for exhibitors who offer the following:

  • Programs, Services, and Opportunities: Available and relevant to UBC staff and faculty broadly, regardless of their role at the university. This includes culture, recreation, and opportunities that support staff and faculty wellbeing at UBC.
  • Interactive: Opportunities for attendees to interact and engage with table staff, make connections, and learn something new. In other words, table displays should be welcoming, interesting, and fun.
  • Sustainable:  We encourage the Community Partners to think sustainably and opt for paperless approaches (if possible). i.e. consider engaging with staff and faculty, and providing an onsite experience, rather than handouts or giveaways. If you wish to include giveaways, please have them be useful or practical.

How do I request a Community Partner Table?

The demand for tables is always strong and departments may be asked to share tables wherever possible. Preference will be given to exhibitors who meet the above criteria. If you would like to request a Community Partner table contact Ceremonies & Events at special.ceremonies@ubc.ca to inquire if there are any available spaces for the Fall event.

For Department Contacts

How do I promote this event to my department?

Download an event poster, print it and post it in your building, around your lounge/lunch areas, and bring it with you to team meetings. Mention the different information booths (Community Partner Tables) that will be on site and encourage staff and faculty to bring their questions to on site representatives. If you have a large department, consider staggering the lunch hours so that everyone has an opportunity to join in the fun at the event. Two time slot options are available for staff and faculty to attend.

I don’t see my department on the pull-down menu. What department do I select?

Smaller departments are often grouped together to limit the number of overall department contacts. If you don’t see your department, look for the next department that you would roll up to, and email or call the Department Contact there to RSVP. Your department RSVPs will then be included with the larger department.

I’m unsure whether an employee in my department is eligible to attend the BBQ. Who can I contact?

The BBQ is open to full-time and part-time UBC employees with “staff” appointments only (not student appointments) and UBC-paid faculty appointments. If you have questions about the eligibility of employees in your department, please contact your HR Advisor or Associate.

How do I register my department RSVPs?

Department Contacts should refer to the important registration instructions provided to you via email in early August. If you are unable to locate this email, contact Ceremonies & Events by email at special.ceremonies@ubc.ca

What is the deadline for department RSVPs?

We appreciate your co-operation in having the RSVPs collected and submitted via the “Submit Departmental RSVP” form by Friday, August 23, 2024.

When should I expect the BBQ wristbands for my department?

You can expect to receive the Staff and Faculty BBQ wristbands via campus mail between August 28 and September 9 from Ceremonies & Events.

I already submitted an RSVP for my department, but now need to add a few more staff and/or faculty RSVPs. How do I amend my submission?

If you have already submitted the RSVP form for your department, you can complete an additional RSVP form before the August 23 deadline. The second form should not include staff and faculty numbers from the first form. For example, if your original RSVP was for 10 staff and faculty in your department and you want to add 2 more staff and faculty to the list, please submit the new RSVP form for 2 people only.

If you continue to receive RSVPs from your colleagues after the August 23 deadline, they are welcome to join the BBQ festivities, and can visit the “BBQ Registration” table on the day of the event. Please ask them to bring their UBCcard for verification. We will do our best to accommodate day-of registration, however, a wrist band for food cannot be guaranteed.

For Staff and Faculty Attendees

What’s on the menu?

This year’s menu includes hot dogs and sides.

Are gluten-free or vegan options available?

Yes, the vegan hot dog option is gluten-free, halal, kosher, and nut free. The beef hot dog is gluten-free. Gluten-free buns will be available for those who request them. The sides are also gluten-free.

How do I indicate my vegetarian/vegan option?

Notify your department contact when they collect your department’s RSVPs.

I missed the department’s RSVP deadline. May I still attend the event?

If you missed registering for the BBQ and would like to attend, please bring your UBCcard with you to the “BBQ Registration” table on the day of the event. A limited number of wristbands will be available for late registrants who meet the eligibility criteria and have valid UBC ID.


What options are available for attendees who may face barriers to access the event?

If you experience any barriers to accessibility, you may request a priority wristband for accessible access to the event. This wristband will allow you priority access to the buffet tent – the priority access entrance is located near the food serving area. Look for the Accessibility & Priority Wristbands signage. Please wear the event wristband (Blue or Yellow) provided by your department in addition to the purple wristband.

How can I get a priority wristband?

The priority wristbands are provided to a variety of staff/faculty such as colleagues who are hosting booths, producing the event, performers, security etc. The priority access also serves as accessible access.

You can obtain a priority wristband through one of the five following ways:

  1. Email the Centre for Workplace Accessibility (CWA) at accessibility@ubc.ca. This is a private, confidential conversation with a Workplace Accessibility Specialist.
  2. Email Ceremonies & Events at special.ceremonies@ubc.ca. Please note: this information could be seen by any one of the 10 events team members, all of whom would keep the information private and confidential.
  3. Visit the CWA booth, located under the Community Partners tent on the west side of Main Mall, on the day of the BBQ. The Community Partners tent will be located on the grassy patch between the seating area and Wyman Plaza.
  4. Visit the Human Resources registration booth, located at the south end of the Community Partners tent, on the day of the BBQ. There will also be a CWA rep. present. Look for the accessibility signage.
  5. There will be UBC colleagues, wearing a UBC Staff lanyard, circulating throughout the event to assist with wayfinding and accessibility needs.

Are there considerations in place to support attendees who experience noise-related sensitivities?

If you experience any barriers to accessibility related to loud or busy environments, please contact the CWA at workplace.accessibility@ubc.ca to confidentially discuss accessibility solutions for this event.

What is the most accessible route I can use to get to the event?

If you are looking for an accessible route to this event, please review the options to access wayfinding at UBC.

Is accessible or reserved parking available near the event location?

If you require accessible parking, please reach out to the CWA at workplace.accessibility@ubc.ca to arrange parking closer to the event. Please note: the CWA cannot guarantee how many spots will be available.

Is there accessible seating at the event?

There will be clear signage indicating accessible seating at the event. Flag Pole Plaza and the Main Mall areas being utilized for the BBQ are accessible by wheelchair and we have reserved seating with this in mind.

Who can I contact for information on accessibility to this event?

If you have any questions, please reach out to any of the below contacts for assistance: