Flag Notifications – Archives

Category for archived UBC in memoriam notices.

Ivan Avakumovic, Betty Horodezky, Reva Potashin

The BC Flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Tuesday, September 24, in remembrance. Avakumovic, Ivan – passed away on July 16, 2013. Professor Emeritus Avakumovic was a noted historian of twentieth-century political movements and a memorable teacher of modern international history.  He taught in the Department of Political Science from 1963 to 1969, and in […]

In recognition of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Musqueam flag will be flown on the flag pole situated on the North Plaza of the Student Union Building from September 18, 2013 through September 20, in recognition of the West Coast National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. UBC’s Vancouver Senate has suspended classes on September 18, for students in most programs, to permit UBC […]

Judy Brown, Tamara Edinger and Xiaohong Zhang

  The BC Flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Friday, September 6, in remembrance. Brown, Judith  – passed away on September 1, 2013.  Judy began her career in the Department of English at UBC in 1978, where she has actively served as Associate Head since 2008.  Her passion for teaching was reflected […]

Anthony Pawson, OO, FRSC, FRS, CH

The BC Flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Friday, August 16, in remembrance. Anthony (Tony) Pawson, OO, FRSC, FRS, CH – passed away on August 7, 2013.  Dr. Pawson’s research revolutionized our understanding of cell signaling, and has had a transformative impact on the treatment of cancer patients.  He is being remembered for his brilliance […]

Christopher J.G. Turner

The BC Flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Monday,  August 12, in remembrance. Christopher J.G. Turner – passed away on July 30, 2013.  Professor Emeritus Turner taught in the Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies from 1971 until his retirement in 2000.

Lionel Gordon Jahnke

The BC flag will be lowered on Tuesday, July 23, in remembrance. Lionel Gordon Jahnke – passed away on July 16, 2013.  Professor Emeritus Jahnke joined the Faculty of Law in 1961 and became full Professor in 1969.  He served the faculty until his retirement in 1984.  He taught and published in the areas of International Law; […]

Lieutenant-Governor Garde Gardom, QC, OBC, LL.D

The BC flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered today, June 21, in remembrance. Former Lieutenant-Governor, The Hon. Garde Gardom, QC, OBC, LL.D, who passed away on June 18, 2013, a month shy of his 89th birthday. He graduated from UBC Faculty of Law in 1949 and worked as a lawyer before entering […]

Dee Delaplace, Kenshiro Uenoyama

The BC flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Monday, June 17, in remembrance. Delaplace, Deirdre (Dee) – passed away on June 3, 2013. Dee will be missed by her colleagues at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. She was inducted into the 25 Year Club in 2011. A celebration of […]

Mario Bernardi

The BC Flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Tuesday, June 4, in remembrance. Mario Bernardi, C.C. – passed away on June 2, 2013.  Maestro Bernardi was the first conductor of the National Arts Centre Orchestra and led classical music troupes across Canada.  He was conferred with an honorary doctorate from UBC in […]

Cortlandt MacKenzie

The BC Flag (Main Mall and Agronomy Road) will be lowered on Monday, May 27, in remembrance. Cortlandt J.G. (Cort) MacKenzie – passed away on May 16, 2013.  Professor Emeritus MacKenzie came to UBC in 1961.  From 1969 to 1973, he was Acting Chair, and from 1973 to 1980, Head of the Department of Health Care […]